World Environment Day Celebration

World Environment Day, June 5 th ,is a special day to celebrate the gift of Nature by protecting it with our actions. The official celebrations of the same at Don BoscoCentral School, Mannuthy commenced with invoking the blessings of God Almighty. 

Vice Principal, Rev. Fr. Jithin Chakkimangalath SDB extended a warm welcome to the gathering. His words emphasized the significance of the day and resonated the school’s commitment towards a greener Nature. The presidential address was delivered by Rector and Manager, Rev. Fr. Thomas Koonan SDB. His insightful words called for adequate actions to be taken in order to preserve and offer this beautiful world to the coming generations. The chief guest Mr. Remjish N Rajan, Beat Forest Officer, Mannamangalam Forest Station, graced the occasion with his resourceful inaugural address and the symbolic lighting of the lamp, reflecting the enlightenment and hope for a greener future. All the dignitaries have joined their hands afterwards to plant a mango sapling in the school premises, reinforcing the message of nurturing and preserving the precious nature for tomorrow.

A thought provoking, informative talk along with a dance performance was done by Abhinav Machingal and his team. This shed light on critical environment issues and encouraged proactive measures to protect our planet for future generations. The engaging Quiz competition hosted by XII student Tanish Nirmal was an apt platform for young minds to explore and expand their knowledge. The winners were gifted a sapling to nourish and to contribute to a positive change in nature. The event concluded with the words of gratitude expressed by Caroline Maria Geogi, acknowledging the valuable presence and efforts of everyone and emphasising the importance of
collective action in safeguarding our environment. Overall, the World Environment day celebration at Don Bosco Central School, Mannuthy, served as a powerful reminder of our responsibility towards the planet and the urgent need for sustainable practices. The event succeeded in inspiring and empowering individuals to contribute towards a greener healthier world.

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